Monday, July 7, 2014

Blizzard Writing Sample

Just months after its official launch, Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft has heard the pleas of its fans and decided to implement a very exciting new feature. What is that new feature you ask? As a collectible card game, Hearthstone has fostered a lot of great competition within the community, but we want to strengthen the camaraderie between certain players.

With that said, we feel the best way to do that is to implement card trading. The next patch, set to release later this month, will begin the process of slowly phasing in trading cards with other players. You won't see legendary and epic trading just yet, but all common and rare cards will be able to be traded with anyone on your friends list currently playing Hearthstone. We want to make this a gradual process so as to not allow legendary cards like Alexstrasza and Ysera to go flying about unchecked and wreaking havoc on every deck. Players will be able to choose up to three cards to trade with another player at one time, from a trade window very similar to other Blizzard titles. As for what constitutes a fair trade well, we'll leave that up to you to decide!

To learn more about Hearthstone: Heroes of Warcraft, or to stay up to date on the latest changes, please visit the official website: